Achieving Care Together market engagement week
The Achieving Care Together (ACT) market engagement week begins on Monday 3rd February and will consist of a series of online sessions throughout the week, looking at best practice, discussing current projects and engaging on areas for improvement. The sessions include one from Helen Wright of the Norfolk Care Careers team on Recruitment and Retention of an intergenerational workforce on Wednesday 5th February at 9:30am,
You can RSVP and find out more information about all the sessions in the NCC care market engagement calendar in the month of February 2025.
RSVP for ACT care market sessions to:
- Hear from a variety of expert speakers.
- Connect with fellow care market partners.
- Gain valuable insights into projects and initiatives supporting high-quality care for the residents we serve.
Monday 3 February at 9:30am:
'Welcome launch'by Gary Heathcote, Director of Assurance and Commissioning, Adult Social Services.
With keynote speakers:
Mark Topps & Adam Parnell, The Caring View.
Lee Mummery, Regional Lead for Skills for Care.
Friday 7 February at 1:30pm:
'Reflections on the week' by Ian Wake, Executive Director of Adult Social Services.
Q&A panellists are: Angie Steggles, Director of Norfolk Care Association & Chief Operating Officer of Norfolk & Suffolk Care Association.
Gary Heathcote, Director of Assurance & Commissioning.
Nick Clinch, Director of Communities, Prevention & Partnerships.
Susanne Baldwin, Assistant Director of Assurance, Strategy and Performance.
Hosting the Q&A: Chris Scott, Assistant Director of Commissioning and Care Markets.
Click here to Ask the Panel a question.
Your attendance and contribution are important to us and will help develop future plans, all information will be treated confidentially. Sessions will be recorded for note-taking purposes only, and key themes from the discussions collected for the ACT engagement report.